3d12s – Wizard Edition


Spice up your wizarding with these random tables! For your fantasy tabletop RPG of choice.

Unique Staffs

  1. Fashioned from the forearm of a troll. The staff grants +1 HP per hour to the wielder but can be destroyed by acid or fire.
  2. A pale length of solid ice that radiates cold but is warm to the touch. Over time, the wielder’s eyes become ice blue and their hair white.
  3. Four feet of black iron topped by a ruby eye. Requires a Strength of at least 12 to wield. Inflicts 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
  4. A length of blue-purple coral wrapped in dripping seaweed and crawling with aquatic wildlife. Wielder develops gills and can breathe underwater.
  5. The gnarled root of a Silveroak covered in flowering shoots. Grows 1d4+1 goodberries each day.
  6. A jagged, scorched piece of wood imbued with the fury of the storm. The wielder can make it rain in a 30 foot diameter with themselves at the center; includes wind and thunder.
  7. An enchanted length of ribbon that can take on the appearance and solidity of a quarterstaff at command.
  8. The off-white tooth of an ancient dragon, with handholds chiseled into the enamel. Wielder’s skin takes on the texture of scales, granting +1 to AC.
  9. A golden staff with the snarling head of a giant serpent. When thrown to the ground, the staff transforms into a cobra and attacks at the wielder’s behest. If the cobra drops to zero HP, it reverts back to a staff.
  10. A wood staff forked at the end. A rotating sphere of ivory is suspended between the tines; it is impossible to remove the sphere. Detects the presence of semi-precious gems.
  11. The femur of a giant spider, bristling with hair. The wielder’s veins turn noticeably black and they are immune to poisons of all kinds.
  12. A petrified piece of driftwood. The wielder can swim as a free action and cannot drown.

Bargain Bin Magic Items

  1. Bracelet of Detection: glows blue in the presence of magic. Thus, it glows perpetually.
  2. Thirst Trap: anyone that drinks from this jeweled goblet is gripped by an unquenchable thirst for the next 1d4+1 hours and takes Disadvantage on all ability checks.
  3. Mister Whisker’s Choker: a black ribbon with a dangling cat’s paw worked in silver. The wearer becomes obsessed with personal appearance and adopts an attitude of vain indifference.
  4. Holy Sacrament: a clay jar half-full of thin, tasteless wafers. Ingesting one plagues the consumer with regret and self-loathing for the rest of the day.
  5. Striders: nondescript black leather boots that allow the wearer to walk one mile further than usual.
  6. The Lover’s Blade: a longsword with an ornately-decorated hilt that recoils at the sight of blood; Disadvantage on attack rolls after the first round.
  7. Cape of Douchery: a black satin half-cape lined with cloth of gold. The wearer must make a DC15 Wisdom save for each individual they encounter or they say the most insulting thing that comes to mind. Attempts to intimidate or awe the wearer automatically fail.
  8. Never Tell Me the Odds: a stylized pair of gold dice on a fine chain that audibly warn the wearer when they are about to do something really stupid, and innumerate all the ways it could go wrong.
  9. Bristle: Each time this bone-handle brush is used, the brushee loses 10% of their hair.
  10. My Other Wagon is a Dragon: a small wooden sign that hangs off the back of a wagon. Wagons so adorned are 50% more likely to encounter hostile dragons.
  11. Thief’s Bane: a wicked black leather ensemble festooned with numerous spikes, zippers, and chains. Sneaking is impossible due to all the jangling.
  12. Sash of Limited Soaring: a purple and silver sash that allows the wearer to fly to a maximum height of five feet. Normal movement rate.

Unusual Familiars

  1. A sparrow with a golden crown that alights on the wizard’s staff or shoulder.
  2. A glistening snail that hides in the dark folds of the wizard’s robe.
  3. A copper garter snake coiled around the caster’s wrist.
  4. The unhatched egg of a cinder wyrmling nestled in the wizard’s pack.
  5. A butterfly that masquerades as a tasteful hair accessory.
  6. A brown-throated sloth draped across the caster’s shoulders.
  7. A hummingbird buzzing around the caster’s head, drinking nectar from flowers draped on their person.
  8. A black duckling nesting in the wizard’s hood.
  9. A giant purple and yellow ladybug riding on the caster’s boot.
  10. A chameleon hiding on the spine of the wizard’s spellbook.
  11. A fat-cheeked squirrel chasing the wizard’s boots.
  12. A miniature pterodactyl perched on the caster’s shoulder.

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