Three d12 Tables


Random and weird esoterica featuring the oft-ignored d12. For your fantasy tabletop RPG of choice.

Weird Elf Encounters

  1. On the first day of the new moon, a solemn procession pays homage to an ancient dragon by bringing the skulls of the newly deceased. Such a day has arrived and they have no skulls to give. Thus, they are on the lookout for volunteers…
  2. The elderly lay in a flowery meadow, smoking silverweed and listening to a bard.
  3. Dozens of elves sleep beside a half-buried asteroid. The bodies are covered by leaves; some are half-buried in moss. The asteroid emits a restful vapor that affects even elves (Wisdom DC15 to resist). Those affected sleep 3d10 years and awaken feeling refreshed.
  4. A warrior tribe hunts a giant shadow monster alien to the forest.
  5. Scholars sit in quiet contemplation of a tower of light that mysteriously appeared in the forest.
  6. A stone bridge arcs over a rushing river, the only passage for miles. The way is blocked by a troupe reenacting the Tragedy of Elia Stareyes, a drama infamous for its 7 day runtime. The troupe will only grant passage to those who briefly assume the role of the Lord of the Pigs’ manure revelers.
  7. A spellcaster yells at his apprentice, who apparently consumed a magical porridge and has quadrupled in size. A steaming bowl of porridge sits nearby.
  8. A solitary elf sits on a boulder under her own private rain cloud, playing a mournful tune on a flute to make the bones of a large beast dance.
  9. Four goatmen bear a litter; within, an elf lounges, reading lazily.
  10. Shouts echo through the trees. Moments later, a dozen elves riding enormous bees buzz past. The bees are draped in numbered silk sashes.
  11. A queue of elves wait to enter a small mushroom house. The house contains portals to other such houses around the forest.
  12. Stripped to the waist, a pair of warriors bare knuckle fight among the treetops.

What’s in the bag?

  1. A fossilized egg that stinks of death.
  2. The small statue of an elephant. If exposed to daylight, it reverts to a real, full-sized elephant. Only dusk will return it to statue form.
  3. A lock engraved with strange sigils. There is no key in the bag.
  4. Wand of True Finding – once per day, it can be used to find something that has been misplaced or lost through negligence.
  5. An ivory drinking horn banded in onyx. Gets the user drunk at the normal rate.
  6. A single golden gauntlet with a foreign tower etched onto the face.
  7. Scales of Justice – a brass weighted scale. Upon touching, must make a DC15 Wisdom save or be compelled to right the next injustice witnessed in the next 1d6 days.
  8. Iron manacles that contain a pair of shriveled hands. The hands will try to latch onto anything they can but cause no harm.
  9. A wanted poster bearing the likeness of one of the party, for the crimes of necromancy and other foul magics.
  10. A set of loaded dice.
  11. The animated bust of a pompous, vainglorious general who got himself killed. He immediately begins ordering the party around.
  12. A pair of cherubic marionettes. They come alive while the party is sleeping and try to murder everyone in sight.

Dwarven Beard Ornamentation

  1. The fingerbones of their first enemy
  2. Strands of barley
  3. Slivers of an ancestral battle axe, now irreparably shattered
  4. Rings of semi-precious metal
  5. Tattered remains of an old tabard
  6. Rocks
  7. Slick and styled with homemade pomade
  8. Iron arrowheads
  9. A strip of dried meat, positioned helpfully near their mouth for hands-free eating
  10. Beautifully carved bits of especially fine wood – ebony, ivory, mahogany
  11. Gold coins bore through the middle
  12. A small dagger, hidden deep in the mess of hair

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